CO2 sensors support nuclear power plants


CO2 sensors are used to detect carbon dioxide levels in enclosed environments. Sensors have been developed to monitor the concentration of this gas indoors to monitor and control CO 2 concentrations.

How does the CO 2 sensor work?

Carbon dioxide is an acid, colorless, odorless gas. Keeping a close eye on this gas is crucial because it is a clear indicator of CO 2 emissions, air circulation quality, and industrial combustion processes. An increasing trend has been observed to monitor CO 2 concentrations in homes, offices, and restaurants.

CO 2 can be measured using electrochemical or non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) sensors. The latter, which is more commonly used, is essentially a spectral sensing device with an infrared beam, a sampling chamber, an infrared filter, and an infrared detector that can sense and control gases using infrared light (IR).

The higher the amount of gas present, the more light is absorbed. The signal loss is proportional to the concentration of the gas being measured.

CO 2 concentration and its effect

CO 2 levels above a certain threshold indicate a lack of ventilation and can be remedied by opening Windows or turning on fans to bring in fresh air.
No CO 2 indoor air regulations; Nevertheless, CO 2 levels above a specific threshold indicate a failure in the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system, which can be fixed by opening Windows or turning on fans to bring in fresh air. CO 2 levels above 1,000 parts per million (PPM) indicate problems with cross ventilation and clean air in a house or building.

CO 2 concentration and its effect

While nuclear power plants guarantee green energy by splitting atoms to heat water and generate electricity, they have their own drawbacks. In some plants, water is used primarily as a cooling medium, while others use carbon dioxide or gases such as helium, molten metals or molten salts.

While water cooling has a high energy density and therefore excellent thermal efficiency, it also has a number of drawbacks, including the potential for explosion in the event of a meltdown. If the system’s pumps fail due to a power outage, the fuel rods could reach extremely high temperatures, where the water breaks down into explosive oxygen and hydrogen.

Because of the risk posed by water, many reactors use carbon dioxide as the primary coolant because it is much more fail-safe.

CO 2 nuclear power plant – power plant on the rise

As the main coolant in nuclear power plants, CO 2 is fundamentally safer than water because it is relatively chemically inert and does not pose an explosion hazard. CO 2 is also more versatile than water in terms of operating pressure and temperature, so it can respond more steadily and slowly to catastrophic defects.

On the other hand, carbon dioxide reactors have reduced power densities compared to water reactors, resulting in larger but less efficient reactors. Recent nuclear reactor research has focused on the production of gas-cooled fast reactors, which use supercritical carbon dioxide as a coolant to power turbines directly without the need for steam generation in the middle to achieve greater efficiency.

The importance of CO2 sensors in power plants

CO 2 leakage detection is essential for both nuclear research and the daily operation of the carbon dioxide cooling nuclear process. A carbon dioxide leak would deplete the coolant in the reactor core, putting it at risk of overheating. Large carbon dioxide leaks can also be hazardous to employees and ecosystems, and costly and disruptive to power plant operations.

Infrared sensors can be used to detect CO 2 in nuclear power plants. An interesting fact about infrared sensors is that their performance can be affected by ambient temperature and pressure. Slight changes may cause readings to shift and need to be corrected.

In this case, the manufacturer makes extensive modifications to its sensors within operating temperature and pressure limits, while paying attention to possible fluctuations.

What to expect?

The increased demand for electricity has led to the emergence of power plants. The number of nuclear power plants is expected to increase as the green energy trend rises and people become more aware of the impact of fossil fuels. As a result, the demand for CO 2 sensors will increase. More importantly, CO 2 sensor manufacturers can also expect to see the products they need in enclosed space offices, homes, apartments, and buildings

Portable carbon dioxide gas detector
Portable carbon dioxide gas detector

Portable carbon dioxide gas concentration alarm is a gas sensor used to monitor carbon monoxide concentration independently developed by JXCT, with long standby time, to solve your frequent charging battery and other problems. With sound and light alarm function, can better prompt, ensure the safety of personnel. Widely used in energy exploitation, agriculture, tunnel construction and other environments.

CO2 Gas Detector
CO2 Gas Detector
Wall Mounted CO2 Gas Detector

Wall Mounted CO2 Sensor. Combining advanced optical paths, precision circuits and intelligent software. Has a variety of output forms. Good selectivity and high sensitivity. The advantages of anaerobic dependence, long life and so on.Beautiful appearance, small size and easy installation;Fast response speed and high measurement accuracy.

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