What are the precautions for setting up a combustible gas detector?

Combustible gas detector has two parts: gas alarm controller and combustible gas detector.The service life of the gas alarm controller is much longer than the service life of the gas detector, so it is unavoidable to replace the combustible gas detector in the process of using the combustible gas alarm.

So, what should we pay attention to when setting up the combustible gas detector?

Precautions for setting up combustible gas detector
  • Analyze the possible leakage points of the monitoring device, analyze the leakage pressure, direction and other factors of the leakage point one by one, mark the location of the detection probe in the device plan, and carry out hierarchical management according to the severity of the leakage.
  • We can monitor the monitoring device according to the airflow direction, wind direction and other specific factors. We found a large number of leaks and installed the detection probe downwind of the flammable gas leak.
  • We can comprehensively consider the three-dimensional flow trend of leakage based on the comparison of the density of leakage gas and the flow situation of surrounding gas. The detection probe should be located downstream of its flow.
  • According to the leakage state of the leakage point (micro-leakage or injection). If it is micro leakage, the location of the setting point should be close to the leakage point. If it is a jet leak, it should be relatively far away from the leak point.
  • In the area where flammable gas leakage is large, set a probe every 10-20m distance.
  • In the area where the hydrogen density is less than the gas leak density, the detection probe is set above the leak point.
  • In key gas leakage areas, the detection probe is set below the leakage point, and pay attention to the characteristics of the surrounding environment.
  • In areas where flammable gas is likely to accumulate, we need to increase detection probes.
  • Where the ventilation conditions are very poor, the combustible gas concentration tends to increase. Detection probes should be set up in these areas.

We already use combustible gas detectors in many industries. It can detect leaks in dangerous places. We use combustible gas alarm can fully protect the personal and property safety of employees, casualties and other issues.

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